GUEST: Gail Norris, Mountainview Music
A dearer soul you will never meet than Ms. Gail Norris. And as she said, she is a good teacher!
Gail has done a lot with her music education degree. She has been teaching private piano lessons for 25 years despite the physical difficulties of having Multiple Sclerosis. Since being diagnosed as a teenager, she has never let MS stop her and I think she's a good role model of what the right attitude and determination can get you through.
In addition to her beautiful baby grand piano, she also has a keyboard on which kids can play music with a full orchestra accompaniment. How exciting for a child to hear their contribution become a part of the whole!
Gail uses a point system to motivate her students. Earn points for practicing, memorizing and other things. When you get 1000 points (easily done every month Gail says), the student gets to choose a piece of music they'd like to learn!
Her home is located in the Northwest Valley of Phoenix if you are interested in lessons for your child or even your self. You're never too old to learn a new skill no matter what the old adage about dogs and tricks says! To learn more about Gail, you can check out her website and even her blog! She's pretty hip, huh?!
Phone: 623-217-3773
Isn't Gail a sweet person?!